So I screwed up about a year back with respect to something my parents had asked me to do. I kept putting it away thinking I would do it at some point of time. I really meant to, but i kept making excuses, and now it has come back to bite me in the ass.
Lessons learned.
I typically pride myself on being able to tell them what is going on in my life, rather than lie about it. I hope I can find a solution to this with as little drama as possible.
I don't think I've ever been more ashamed of myself than now. It's a wake up call.
Lessons learned.
- Procrastination is a bitch.
- If I lie, I should be able to pull something off; but I wont be able to live with it.
- If I tell my parents about it, they are never again going to trust me - with anything. Ever.
I typically pride myself on being able to tell them what is going on in my life, rather than lie about it. I hope I can find a solution to this with as little drama as possible.
I don't think I've ever been more ashamed of myself than now. It's a wake up call.
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