Thursday, 9 February 2012

My Happy Birthday!

26 years ago on this very day (11:30 am), i was born, a pink scrunchy faced thing. 

The doctors (according to my mother) said  i was the most beautiful baby they had seen (am sure they say about all the other creatures that they bring into the world as well). 

I'm sure i bawled! This didn't change much during my childhood or even through my adolescence. The sobriquet 'Bitherkad* Valaga**' was awarded to me by a cousin for my excellent contribution to the field of Coorg music as a result of the bawling. It's changed a bit now - i only shed a tear for a bit of drama (or sometimes with rage)!  

So as i embark into old'er' age, 

Here's to crossing the silver jubilee..
To getting on the wrong side of the twenties... 
To 'with age comes wisdom'... 
To laughing at those 3 years away form their thirties... 
To thupping at those who are yet to get to where i am... 
To writing more... 
To ageing gracefully... 
To grant my grandmother's wish of giving her 'good news' (read 'Engaged to a rich Coorg Man in the US/UK before my next birhtday'. Poor delusional woman; Good news for me is merely to shed a couple of couple of kilos)... 
To all those i love and cherish...
To some more bawling (i sincerely believe there is nothing more satisfying than a good good cry)...
And finally...

To ME!!! 


*Bitherkad: Bitheru - bamboo, kadu - forest; also the place where i come from
** Valaga: Traditional Coorg Music 

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Another Short Poem

Is this but a blog gone to waste?
Oh no, that would be in bad taste.
Be back i shall, in haste! (of course)

P.S. I can rhyme. Can you?