Friday, 28 October 2011

A Short Poem

An annoying place with the Undependables! 
I wish i could break their mandibles

Much love, 

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

The Sun Is Shining...

My Lucky Break!

I have a blog and ill say it over and over again... 

This is something i have wanted to do forever, a couple of years atleast. But somehow i have resisted the urge. 

I love to write, i have atleast 4 empty notebooks (i love notebooks too and mine are beyond BEAUTIFUL; and empty) that have been lying around for a while now. Everytime i want to write, i quickly scribe it in my head.. my notebooks remain empty and i proceed to forget.. 

And now, i will write (or type) on my blog! The notebooks i will use to note down random inspiration that strikes me from time to time. 

Roald Dahl said "You never know when a lovely idea is going to flit suddenly into your mind, but by golly, when it does come along, you grab it with both hands and hang on to it tight. The trick is to write it down at once, otherwise you'll forget it."

So this ones for all my lovely ideas (even for those that i know will seem like rubbish seven minutes after i have thought them). 

I have a blog and my ego too seems to be well fed... 

For now.. 

For more: